Mastering the Art of Avgolemono Soup: The Health benefits & Healing of a Traditional Bone Broth Soulfood

As soon as I take the first mouthful of this silky, tangy soup, my eyes water, like a gentle wave radiating down my body from head to toe, each cell switches on like a light bulb. I’m transported back to my childhood.

I remember my grandmother, and mother making Chicken Avgolemono Soup for us in the wintertime, or whenever one of us got sick. I kid you not; this soup worked some unexplainable, (and now thanks to a little research, scientifically explainable) healing magic so, I decided to look into the science of what makes this soup such a potent healing elixir. *Avgo = Egg *Lemono = Lemon.

Packed with essential nutrients, and soothing warmth, this soup offers a jam-packed list of nutritional benefits that can help fortify your immune system, support gut health, and relieve the winter blues.

  • Rich Source of Nutrients & Skin Health:

    Bone broth is prepared by simmering animal bones, typically for an extended period, allowing the release of many essential nutrients. It's a potent source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are crucial for maintaining strong bones and overall body function. Additionally, the bone broth contains gelatin and collagen, aiding joint health and promoting supple skin.

    As the winter air dries out the skin, the collagen in bone broth can help improve skin elasticity and hydration, potentially reducing the appearance of dryness and fine lines. If that isn't enough TLC for your skin, adding vitamin C from the lemons helps boost collagen production. 

  • Immune System Support:

    During the winter, a robust immune system is vital when the risk of colds and flu is higher. Vitamin C from lemons is a powerful antioxidant; it also plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system and protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also has an alkalising effect on the body's pH levels which is essential for overall health, as an overly acidic environment can contribute to inflammation and various health issues. The Bone broth in the soup also contains amino acids like arginine, glutamine, and cysteine, which support the immune system's function. It also provides minerals like zinc and iron, known to play a role in immune response, helping your body fend off illnesses more effectively.

  • Gut Health and Digestion:

    A healthy gut is the foundation of overall well-being. The gelatin in bone broth supports gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and repairing the lining of the digestive tract. This can alleviate issues like leaky gut syndrome and aid in better nutrient absorption, improving digestion.

  • Reduced Inflammation:

    The amino acids in chicken bone broth, such as glycine and proline, possess anti-inflammatory properties. Regularly consuming bone broth may help reduce inflammation associated with various chronic conditions. Bone broth can improve overall health by keeping inflammation in check.

  • Comforting Hydration:

    Staying adequately hydrated during winter can be challenging, as we often need to remember to drink enough water when it's cold outside. Bone broth's warmth and rich flavour can encourage you to stay hydrated while delivering essential minerals and electrolytes your body needs.

Here's a simple recipe for making Avgolemono Chicken Soup:

The recipe below has been passed down from generations of Greeks. Honestly, there's nothing quite as comforting and nourishing as a steaming bowl of Avgolemono, or any Bone Broth based soup, so It's worth having it in your recipe repertoire.


A) Seek good quality ingredients, i.e. organic, free-range (if you can afford it.)

B) Psst…The reason why this soup has the reputation it has is because of the love, care, and intention that goes into in the making of it. This is secret ingredient/method that was never written down, the intention behind it, prepared with love.  So when you set out to make this soup, put on your favourite tunes, I listened to a meditation by one of my favourite writers / teachers. It slowed me right down, I was present, and in a flow state.


For the soup:

  • 4-6 cups chicken broth (preferably homemade or store-bought)

  • 1-2 cups cooked and shredded chicken from a cooked chicken breast. In the OG recipe, typically, you would make the broth yourself by boiling a whole chicken)

  • 1 cup cooked Arborio rice Salt and pepper to taste

For the avgolemono sauce:

  • Two large eggs

  • Juice of 2 large lemons (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup)

  • Salt to taste


  1. Prepare the Chicken Broth:

    • Boil chicken till cooked. If using store-bought chicken broth, heat it in a pot over medium heat until warm. If using homemade broth, make sure it's hot.

  2. Add Cooked Chicken and Rice/Orzo:

    • Add the shredded cooked chicken and cooked rice or orzo pasta to the warm chicken broth. Let the soup simmer for a few minutes to allow the flavours to meld.

  3. Season the Soup:

    • Taste the soup and season with salt and pepper as needed. Remember that the avgolemono sauce will add a tangy flavour, so go easy on the salt.

  4. Prepare the Avgolemono Sauce:

    • In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs until they're well beaten and slightly frothy.

  5. Add Lemon Juice to the Eggs:

    • Gradually whisk the lemon juice into the beaten eggs. Adding the lemon juice slowly is essential to prevent the eggs from curdling.

  6. Temper the Egg-Lemon Mixture:

    • Take a ladleful of the hot chicken broth and slowly drizzle it into the egg-lemon mixture while whisking continuously. This helps to gradually increase the temperature of the eggs without causing them to curdle.

  7. Combine the Avgolemono Sauce and Soup:

    • While stirring the soup, gradually pour the tempered egg-lemon mixture into the pot with the chicken broth. Keep stirring gently as you add the mixture to ensure it's evenly incorporated.

  8. Thicken the Soup:

    • Continue to cook the soup on low to medium heat, stirring gently, until it thickens slightly. Avoid boiling the soup to prevent the eggs from curdling.

  9. Serve:

    • Once the soup has thickened to your desired consistency, remove it from the heat. Ladle the Chicken Soup Avgolemono into bowls.

  10. Enjoy!

Note:  This recipe is a basic version of Avgolemono soup. You can also make a vegetarian version. See below vegetarian recipe from the book “The Greek Vegetarian” by Heather Thomas. Try adding seasonal vegetables like carrots, celery, and spinach. I also, added Shitake Mushroom to mine, give the soup a meaty taste (if you’re going Vego) and are great in regulating your hormone cycle, particularly during the menstrual phase. You can add other grains like, barley or quinoa instead of rice.

“The Greek Vegetarian” by Heather Thomas.

Soups like the Avgolemono Soup have stood the test of time as a nourishing, and healing food. With a wealth of nutrients that support immune function, gut health, and prepared with love it is a staple that offers both comfort and wellness benefits. So, when the winter winds blow, reach for a steaming bowl of Avgolemono soup, and let it’s healing goodness embrace you from the inside out.

Zara x


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